Wall-Ready Landscape Art

Ring of Brodgar and Loch of Harray, Mainland, Orkney OR025

Exhibitions, Gallery Pages and Posts for Perthshire

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I’ve been spending the Coronavirus Lockdown in Dundee, on the ‘sunny’ north coast of the Tay in Scotland. Although generally occupied with reading, writing, cataloguing, and putting photos on-line, I have been out and about taking some photos of Coronavirus Dundee. Fortunate to be living just opposite the Dundee end of the Tay Railway Bridge, […]

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Falls of Lochay, Perthshire, Scotland. HC063

Gallery Page: Scottish Highlands

A further selection of my photographs gathered from trips to the Highlands of Scotland.

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Rotting old pier supports at the head of Loch Arkaig, Lochaber, Scotland. SM043

Sometimes the starkness of the landscape, or of the light, lends itself to a black and white image, or occasionally even sepia, cyanotype or duotone.

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Falls of Lochay, Perthshire, Scotland. HC063

Gallery Page: Perthshire Colour

This huge county of Scotland stretches from the western outskirts of Dundee to the Angus Glens and the Cairngorms in the north-east and the Rannoch Moor in the north-west.