Wall-Ready Landscape Art

Ring of Brodgar and Loch of Harray, Mainland, Orkney OR025

Photo Blogs

Photographs of snowy Dundee

Like much of the country we’ve had our fair share of snow in Dundee over the last few days. The chance to get out and about and take some photographs of snowy Dundee has been limited both by the snow on driveways and roads and by the COVID-19 restrictions. Fortunately, one of my favourite photographic […]

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Photographs of Applecross

Applecross is a wing-shaped peninsula on the west coast of Scotland lying between Loch Torridon to the north and Loch Carron to the south. The Inner Hebridean islands of Raasay and Skye lie off its western coast. With the Covid-19 lockdown easing in late summer 2020 I had the chance to stay there for a […]

Photographing Dundee in Lockdown

I’ve been spending the Coronavirus Lockdown in Dundee, on the ‘sunny’ north coast of the Tay in Scotland. Although generally occupied with reading, writing, cataloguing, and putting photos on-line, I have been out and about taking some photos of Coronavirus Dundee. Fortunate to be living just opposite the Dundee end of the Tay Railway Bridge, […]

Frankfurt in February

In February 2014 I visited the city of Frankfurt am Main (Frankfurt on the Main – helpfully distinguishing the city from Frankfurt an der Oder in the east of the country). I took the chance to explore the city and do some photography. This Frankfurt is in the Hesse region of Germany and is the […]

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