Wall-Ready Landscape Art

Ring of Brodgar and Loch of Harray, Mainland, Orkney OR025

Exhibitions, Gallery Pages and Posts for Scottish Highlands

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Abandoned croft house and Scots Pine, near Callakille, Applecross, Scotland. AP019

Applecross is a wing-shaped peninsula on the west coast of Scotland lying between Loch Torridon to the north and Loch Carron to the south. The Inner Hebridean islands of Raasay and Skye lie off its western coast. With the Covid-19 lockdown easing in late summer 2020 I had the chance to stay there for a […]

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Falls of Lochay, Perthshire, Scotland. HC063

Gallery Page: Scottish Highlands

A further selection of my photographs gathered from trips to the Highlands of Scotland.

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Gallery Page: Applecross

Applecross is a triangular peninsula between Loch Carron and Loch Torridon on the west coast of Scotland opposite the Isle of Skye. The name is probably an Anglicised corruption of Aporcrosan, referring to the River Crossan (Abhainn Crosain) that flows into Applecross Bay. The gaelic name for the peninsula is A’ Chomraich, meaning ‘The Sanctuary’. This name […]

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Rotting old pier supports at the head of Loch Arkaig, Lochaber, Scotland. SM043

Sometimes the starkness of the landscape, or of the light, lends itself to a black and white image, or occasionally even sepia, cyanotype or duotone.

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Rotting old pier supports at the head of Loch Arkaig, Lochaber, Scotland.

More images from the Highlands. ← Scottish Highlands 1

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Rannoch Moor, Scotland. HC046

I have been visiting the Highlands of Scotland since before I can remember, and photographing them for nearly as long!

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Rannoch Moor, Scotland. HC046

Gallery Page: Landscape Colour

Scotland – Lochs, Mountains, Trees, Forests Ireland’s Wild West Coast – Europe’s Sea Border The Hebrides – Scotland’s Western World Applecross – Remote and Beautiful Scottish Peninsula The Historic Isles of Scotland’s Far North Ireland’s Beautiful River Barrow Some of Scotland’s Hidden Corners In the Blue Ridge Mountains